- Registration and re-registration of Bulgarian companies
- Preparing and submitting of all necessary documents before the Trade Register
- Fast processing of documents using electronic signature
- Representation before the Trade Register through a specific Power of attorney which is saving the client’s time and fees for verification of the documents before the Notary
- Preparing legal complaints and representation before the court in the event of a refusal by the Trade register to register a company
- Continuous legal servicing of existing companies by way of long term legal services contract or on individual case basis
- Possibility to work with an accountant/accountants appointed by the client in order to deliver most efficient service
- Preparing all necessary documents for including, respectively excluding a shareholder of a legal entity; preparing contracts for transfer of shares, preparing articles of incorporation and other documents for registering of LLC, SLLC, Joint Stock company and all other types of companies; preparing all relevant legal documents for registering changes in the status of the respective legal entity
- Preparing all relevant documents in relation with liquidation of a company; consulting and providing the client with legal opinion on the liquidation of the company
- Preparing all types of commercial contracts including commission contracts, contracts for commercial mediator,
- Preparing commercial lease contracts, commercial offices and storage rental agreements, commercial sale contracts, etc.
- Representation before the Court in Bulgaria regarding commercial disputes
- Preparing all legal documents related to publishing of the annual financial reports of the company in the Trade Register.
- Registration of companies under the Law on the Medical Facilities
- Registration of Commercial representation before the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI)
- Preparing and checking of all types of the preliminary agreements for buying (selling) property in Bulgaria in accordance with art.19, Bulgarian Law on Contracts and Obligations.
- Full due diligence service including completing all relevant searches on a property to reveal any possible legal charges and rights of third parties, obtaining a certificate from the Charges register
- Drafting projects for Notary deeds.
- Representation before the Notary Public in Bulgaria as well as representation before the Tax Offices, Municipalities, Trade Agency in relation to buying, respectively selling of Bulgarian properties.
- Reviewing all relevant legal documents for the purchase or the sale of property
- Holding negotiation with all parties involved
- Representation before the court
- Legal advice in all aspects of Employment law
- Assistance to clients in the process of holding negotiations
- For employers our company is offering full legal service and preparation of all necessary documents including drafting or reviewing of employment contracts and annexes, detailed advice on termination of employment contracts, preparing internal employment regulations, etc. Our aim is to protect our clients’ interests and to assist them in avoiding any possible court disputes or fines which could be imposed by the Employment Inspectorate Executive Agency
- Legal help in relation with the New General Data Protection Regulation (in force from 25th of May 2018)
- Preparing of all kinds of agreements in the field of Copyright Law and Trade marks including exclusive/ non exclusive license agreements
- Consultations in relation with registration of Trade Marks
- Representation before the court in the event of breach of copyright or trade marks law
- Preparing of marriage contracts
- Preparing of agreements for divorce by mutual consent
- Legal representation before the family court about all issues related with divorce, parental rights, children maintenance, etc., including cases with international elements
- Legal advice and representation on all kinds of inheritance cases
- Legal advice on Tax Law issues including preparation of legal reports regarding the taxes which you or your Bulgarian company could be required to pay representation before the Bulgarian courts
- Consultations in relation with preventing or avoiding unfair competition
- Representation before the Commission on Protection of Competition and the Supreme Administrative Court
Preparation of a full package of documents for online stores, including:
- General conditions for colcluding of contract for sale-purchase from distance, in full compliance with the Law for consumer protection as well as with the Law on Provision of Digital Content and Digital Services and for the Sale of Goods
- model of documents for return of goods /repair/replacement
- model of protocols signed by the trader
- application for cancellation of the contract, etc.
- complete package of documents covering the requirements of the GDPR
- Legal representation before the Bulgarian courts
- Legal representation before the European Court of Human Rights in Strarsbourg
At finishing of the court process with a final judgment the person, who has obtained with a writ (executive order), should contact the respective bailiff in order to initiate the enforcement proceedings. Please note that the bailiff is collecting fees in accordance with the respective Tariff. The fees should be paid by the party which has lost the court case. We strongly recommend the involvement of legal assistance during the executive procedure. Our law firm is providing legal services and representation before the bailiffs in relation with the initiated executive procedures, including appealing of the bailiff`s acts and actions, submitting claims before the court in casee of necessity, filing of objections, etc.
-Consultation in relation with protection of personal data under GDPR
-Staff training under GDPR
--Preparing of all necessary legal documentation under GDPR
-Legal help in relation with imposed sanctions from the Data Protection Authority (DPA)
-Legal help in case of risk for violation of personal data.
* As the implementation of the requirements under GDPR regarding the technical measures requires the involvement of IT specialist, our team is able to work in cooperation with IT specialist from the company-controller or processors.
Our company is mainly specialized in civil law, but in case of necessity we could provide the clients with basic consultations and legal assistance before the prosecution, court and other relevant institutions.
- Checking companies in the Trade register. Obtaining with documents from the Trade register. Obtaining with Certificate for trading activity
- Checking status of properties in the Land registry
- Obtaining with sketches from the Cadastre register
- Check for due property taxes.Paying taxes on behalf of the client
- Representing the client before the relevant Revenue Office
- Obtaining with copies of marriage agreement, marriage certificate, death certificate, certificate for family status, etc.
- Obtaining with Inheritance certificate
- Obtaining with documents from executive cases. Representation before Bulgarian Bailiff and Notary Public
- Obtaining with documents from Court Archive
- Obtaining with documents from court cases
- Representation before the Supreme Judicial Council regarding compensation for delay of cases. Representation before the Ministry of Justice
- Preparing of legal bilingual documents necessary for the authorities (English-Bulgarian text)- Powers of attorney, Contracts and all kinds of agreements, Declarations for traveling of children out of Bulgaria, etc.
- Representation before Bulgarian Institutions
The Law firm has extensive experience in representation of Bulgarian and foreign legal entities and individuals before the Bulgarian courts and institutions. Our company’s aim is to ensure that adequate legal assistance is provided for all its clients. The company policy is to consult the client before each step during the court process as well as to advise of all the risks which could became a reality.