Registration of non - profit organization in Bulgaria
In Bulgaria the legal requirements for registration of non-profit organization are prescribed by the Law of the non-profit legal entities and Law on Trade register and Register for non-profit legal entities.
According to the law there are two types of non-profit legal entities: non-profit associations and foundations. Founders could be all Bulgarian and foreign physical and legal persons.
The legal entity is established by its entry in the register of legal non-profit entities. The non-profit association is established by 3 or more persons. Association, which is defined for carrying out socially useful activity, shall be established by at least 7 physical persons or 3 legal persons. For the purpose of the registration a couple of documents should be drafted including: the Articles of incorporation, the Minutes of Constitutional assembly, declarations, etc. The membership in the association is voluntarily. The supreme body of the association is the General Assembly. The governing body of the association's management board.
The Foundation is founded during lifetime or upon death by a unilateral act of incorporation, which gratuitously provide property for the achievement of profit. The establishment of the foundation in life is necessary for the act to be with notarized signatures. The Foundation has no members. The request for registration of the foundation shall be made by the founder or person authorized by him or body executor, heir or by a person who would have benefited from the Foundation's activities in accordance with its statutes.
There are special requirements for the non-profit organizations carrying out socially useful activity.
According to the law foreign legal non-profit entity may establish a branch in the country if its objectives are not in contradiction to public order and law in the Republic of Bulgaria.
This article was created by“Valova and Angelova law” firm