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Important: The Legal Questions and Answers are intended to be a guide only and do not provide full detail or cover every scenario. It is only appropriate for use as an aid to understanding basic concepts. If you have any questions related to the Bulgarian legislation, please contact us via email on the following email address and we will answer as soon as possible. E-mail: Е-мейл адресът e защитен от спам ботове.

Please bear in mind however that without detailed examination of the individual case, reviewing the relevant documents and obtaining all necessary information, the firm can only provide you with a general opinion.

We believe that prior to engaging in any legal activity, it is necessary for the client to seek legal advice on the consequences and the possible risks involved, so the most adequate solution could be found which will lead to optimal results. In our practice we often encounter clients who have acted on their own without consulting a lawyer – they have signed contracts or completed other legal actions leading to unfavorable legal consequences. To prevent this from happening we always advise that clients contact us prior to engaging in any legal activity rather than after.